Wi-Fi on the bus

This is my first post from a moving vehicle. It seems to be going well. I'm going to post this now, just so I can test the workflows. ... Try to anyway. It seems my app doesn't like commiting on the move.


Apparently, my VPN connection was causing problems and turning that off allowed me to commit my changes. Once that went through, I realized my workflow wasn't running correctly since I had moved some files around. I got that corrected and it seems everything is running normally now.

I was on the bus going to Holly Springs, NC to visit a friend. It wasn't a bad ride, only about 30 stops over an hour. It's mainly for commuters, so it's peak times and single direction only and the two I rode weren't very busy (I was the only one getting on or off at the park and ride), so I'm glad I could add a passenger to the counts.

Overall, it wasn't bad... I had a good time hanging out with my friend and learned some lessons about bus Wi-Fi reliability (it only worked for about 10 minutes on the ride back to Raleigh 😥).

Map of location (roughly Holly Springs, NC)
Updated at: Mon Dec 18 22:16:38 UTC 2023

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